Friday, February 13, 2015

Why should I take a risk?

Qoute of the Day:

Surrender to Chance - Hedley Twidle

To me this means that if I am not willing to surrender to chance I will never have an opportunity to grow.

What is taking a risk?

Taking a risk is when one does something, whether it is good or bad, without knowing what the consequences of that action will be.


There came a time in my life where I was sick and tired of being taken to school by private transport. I then decided that I would start finding my own way to school. I didn't think of walking to school, of course, but I would rather take a train to school. Walking to school in my rehabilitated state would put immense strain to my body. Taking a train however to school meant that I now had to learn to be independent. Throughout my life I have found that people tend to stare at me because of my disability. These are the people who don't know me and sometimes those who just want something to laugh at. The chance of being starred and mocked at when taking a train was very high. I however did not know this.

"I DID IT ANYWAY." I did this because I wanted to know how it feels like being independent. This was even though odds were against me.

Did some people stare or mock at me? Yes, but I did it anyway!

Even though today I may have physical challenges I can proudly say that I have and am learning how to be independent.

If I had not taken the risk of doing things without knowing the consequences thereof, learning to stand on my own would have never happened, today.


I am not saying that people should take irresponsible chances.

Monday, October 8, 2012

"It's not how you start it, it is how you end it"

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Dear reader, in the bible it says in the book of proverbs, "what a man thinketh in his heart, so he is".

The mind has the capacity to build and destroy barriers!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Whatever negative thing that happened in your life it didn't happen to you! IT HAPPENED FOR YOU! You might think that I am talking nonsense but if you perservere in time you shall see! God Bless you!